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Graced to to navigate the wait

The Bible mentions the word "wait" an astonishing 116 times. If we delve into its meaning, waiting implies staying put and resisting the urge to rush until the right moment arrives. In today's world, where speed, instant gratification, and immediate outcomes are celebrated, waiting has sadly become somewhat of a nuisance. We live in an era where we can summon food to our doorstep in minutes, connect with people across the globe within seconds, and instantly access information. Our modern lives have accustomed us to impatience; we crave immediacy.

We've extended this desire for immediate results to our relationship with God, treating Him as a genie we can summon with a prayer, expecting our wishes to be granted instantly, much like placing an order online. However, there's one thing technology and modernity can't alter: the timing of God's call in our lives. Waiting for God's call demands a unique and priceless quality – the grace to endure.

Understanding Waiting as a Part of Life's Journey

Waiting is an integral aspect of the human experience, and it's far from being foreign to the Bible. Throughout the scriptures, we encounter numerous stories of individuals who received God's call but had to endure extended periods of waiting before their calling was fulfilled.

Abraham and Sarah: God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations. However, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, had to wait many years before this promise became a reality. Their story teaches us that waiting isn't a sign that God has forgotten us but rather an opportunity for our faith to grow.

Joseph: Joseph's life was defined by waiting. He endured waiting in a pit, in slavery, and in prison. Despite his trying circumstances, he unwaveringly trusted in God's plan for his life. Eventually, he ascended to the position of a ruler in Egypt and played a crucial role in God's plan for the nation of Israel.

David: Prior to becoming king, David spent years evading King Saul, who sought to take his life. During this trying time, he relied on God's guidance and protection. His period of waiting served as preparation for the responsibilities of leadership that awaited him.

The Grace to Endure

So, what exactly does "the Grace to Endure" entail, and how can we nurture it while we wait for God's call? Here are some key virtues to hold onto in your wait:

  • Faith in God's Timing: Possessing the grace to endure involves unwavering faith in God's perfect timing. While we wait, we must keep in mind that God has a broader perspective and knows precisely when the right moment for our calling will arrive.

  • Patience and Perseverance: Waiting often involves confronting challenges, experiencing disappointment, and enduring setbacks. It necessitates patience and unwavering determination to persist despite obstacles. It's essential to recognize that God uses these moments to shape and refine us.

  • Stewardship of the Present: While waiting, it's crucial to concentrate on being faithful with your present circumstances and resources. Frequently, God's call commences with demonstrating faithfulness in small matters before moving on to more substantial responsibilities.

Waiting for God's call may pose challenges, but it is an indispensable aspect of our spiritual journey. During these periods of waiting, our character is refined, our faith is fortified, and our hearts are primed for the purpose God has ordained for us.

Surrounding yourself with a community of believers who can offer encouragement and support during your waiting period is invaluable. They can provide wisdom, offer prayers, and lend a sympathetic ear when you need it the most.

Taking time for yourself and prayer is of equal importance. Devoting time to prayer and introspection can provide us with the strength and clarity we require while waiting; as it presents an opportunity to draw nearer to God, seek His guidance, and find solace in His presence.

Embracing the grace to endure necessitates surrendering our timelines to God's perfect plan. It entails having faith that He understands what is best for us and believing that He will fulfill His promises in His own time. So, as you patiently await God's call in your life, reflect on the stories of Abraham, Joseph, David, and countless others who endured and emerged stronger. Your waiting period holds profound significance; it is an integral part of God's beautiful and purposeful narrative for your life.

Prayer: Lord, teach me the art of waiting upon You. Help me accept Your timing and grant me the ability to reflect during these moments of waiting. Allow me to embrace the call to worship while I wait and bestow upon me the grace to endure the wait.

Point to Ponder: Within your silent moments, or through journaling, reflect upon the ways you can strengthen your endurance during your wait.


Porshia F.

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